Wednesday, June 26, 2002

This is just un-frikkin-believable. As if it wasn't bad enough being a Cal fan, this had to happen. For those of you suffering through dial-up and don't want to click the link, I'll give you the gory details. Cal football is on probation or whatever for five years and can't go to a bowl game even if they win all their games this year. This is just FUKN pathetic. I mean if you're going to cheat, cheat to win. Don't cheat and then go 1-10 or whatever Cal went last year. This is just too frustrating. I mean to suck so hard and get busted for cheating. Why did they bust Cal, of all the teams in the NCAA?? Isn't Nebraska or Miami doing something illicit amidst all that success? Why pick on the shittiest team in the country? Just when we'd gotten a new coach, new direction, new hope, we're screwed from the get-go. AARRGGHH. it drives me nuts.

OK I feel better now. If anyone has a comment don't forget the handy-dandy "shout-out" button. I'm still trying to call it something other than "shout-out" and make it smaller but well I'm not Bill Gates so cut me some slack.

Go Bears, I guess (%$#&@)