6:09 PM
by Alfred
Time to write up a daily er not so scaly of what should be done but yet isn’t in an ether type quality. Is this really anything of the type of which contributes to productivity in other arenas? I’m seriously wondering, leaning toward the no camp. As in no, it’s not helping facilitate more quote unquote real or serious or juice laden enquiries into my own brain, but whose to say that a 65 mil contract to write about scary alice going to the shopping mall and like finding a secret society of security guards that network and tell lies and covertly run the world, um, wait, that’s actually a pretty good idea. I mean, um, no, that idea sucks, don’t make chopping mall 3 out of it, that’s it, chopping mall 3, the return, but it’s not a splatter film, it’s all about the underground underneath the underground, so underground that it’s, shit, that corporate suits pretend to shed their suits but then put them back in and tie their ties tighter around their necks and don’t need to pick up an invitation egg from the liquor store to get in, they just have to show some kind of proof that they’ve completely assimilated into the structural ego of the money train and then show the small little microscopic insignia in the bottom right hand corner of their driver’s license that marks them as a member of the elite force of rebel rousers that aren’t rebel rousers, dedicated to unknown feats in unknown waters for unknown reasons. Why? It’s unknown. That, my friends, is the anti irony of the whole thing. Do you get it? Do you really? They’re corporate slags, but they’re not, but they are. Exactly. The dichotomy’s in the rationale that they are not what they seem yet conversely they are even more so what they seem than you ever imagined.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
3:57 PM
by Alfred
You all seem turrribly interested in what I have to say on this flog, not that you should be, but, well, mayne, writing is something that has to happen more mein freundes por mi, but, well, the screenplay is about halfway done, but, shit, the goal was for it to be done by now, so, um, goals is like soccer and hockey, though, right? And they suck, er, at least, no one likes them, kinda like this here space, but that’s justified, na mean? In all eventualities, so, yup. Ok, what the fuck is up with my space bar, shit is starting to piss a type of fill in the blank off, like a kettle gurgling and burning up that water, you know, the kind of which you make your tea, your coffee, and then throw out with the bathwater to scalding reviews. So I painted my kitchen yellow. You may now form a single file line to congratulate me, there may be a loop de lai around some foreign objects in order to facilitate the crowds into a small space, we ask that you keep some semblance of order and restrain from stabbing yourself with sharp or blunt objects, as danger and will robinson have been semi permanently banished from the premises. I didn’t use the word premises already, did I? awesome.
In other news, I promised I wouldn’t say in other news anymore, punishment thereby being derived into the form of having to cancel this whole diatribe and call up mike Wallace and confess that I am the hillside strangler’s step son’s step son, frank, the one who had the dog that didn’t talk to him, the dog that just walked with good manners and even waited to lick his privates until no one was around so as to encourage no one getting offended and potentially switching the channel away from regularly scheduled programming and thus throwing into a complete wack the Nielsen ratings, which we know would be disaster incarnate.