Friday, December 06, 2002

Bumpin’ Mana and getting jiggy with it. Mana is this rockin soulful bunch of fellers from Mexico (I think? – they might be from some other South American country – my wife would know) ANYway, they rock harder than the rock-ons. (got you there, there’s no such thing as rock-ons, but they’d probably be pretty bad ass. Too bad Dino-Riders isn’t on TV anymore, I could recommend that to their creative team, it’s a natural fit, I mean frikken frakken fro) So anyway, when I write Mana, please be aware that over the last “a” there’s supposed to be a dashy line or something to emphasize the pronunciation, but since I don’t feel like wasting a half hour of my time scouring my computer for that little dash or whatever the hell it is you’ll have to use your imagination.

Yes. Ok. Well I have a lot of crap to do, so I guess that’s it for now. If I don’t check in on you again, remember that the Raiders are America’s team (eff the cowboys) and the Bronco’s suck dilapidated donkey dicks.

If you can retain that knowledge, you should be able to find the forbidden crystal, and all your dreams will come true. Well, maybe just the naughty ones.

Peace, love, and Mana to all. And to all a good night, er, afternoon, (well it’s still morning here, you fucks are probably one foot out the door out there on the east coast – goddamm bastards.)

Which reminds me of the story about the time I once had a little trick-or-treater come to my door and I said “well aren’t you a scary little bastard,” and then he got a sad face and looked up at me with a mixture of anger and resentment and shame and said “I’m not a bastard.” And then I said, “here kid, take everything I’ve got, I’m gonna go call my therapist.”
