Thursday, February 06, 2003

I’ve never been accused of being Mr. Political Joe or even Mr. Political Ed or Frank or for that matter Keith or Alfred. Well, actually, I’ve been accused of being Keith & Alfred, but never Political Keith or Alfred, I mean Mr. Political um whatever. Dammit, this is not going as planned. Anyway, what I was trying to say before I bogged myself down in horse manure, is I’m not like the guy that always knows what’s going on in that aforementioned world arena, but I like to breeze through the politico blogs, just like everybody else every once in a while, and if backed into a corner by a crowd of villagers waving pitchforks and shit like that, under oath and with 99 witnesses, I’d have to say that when it comes to that type bloggage, my favorite one at this time, if you just have to know Mr. Inquisitor, is Michael Totten. He knows what’s up. So check him out.

Or don’t. Shit I don’t give a fuck. I just work here. I just sweat my fingers to the goddamm BONE trying to find worthwhile crap for you to read and whipping these baby seals in here to crank out more and more material. Do you realize that if I let one of those little fuckers have even one cigarette break then it’ll be total bedlam? Imagine if you will, 23 baby seals, strapped into little chairs with heat lamps hanging over them and little kiddie pool sprayers and type writers lined along a wall and a poster of Cesar Romero hanging on the wall (motivational tools, my pretties) and all these complicated mechanisms and Darwinian objects are basically in order to keep the machine rolling. If I let one wander out and have chillie-willie time, then I gotta let ALL those little sheisters out for one chillie-willie and then I’m only left with little old me and what can I do? I’m not even supposed to BE here today!

Anyway, I think on second thought I am going to give the little fellas some time off. There’s more than enough material up on this wall of shame for one day, and hell even though it’s Thursday and it’s against cash money’s advice to venture out, I just can’t be a total goat like that.