Monday, February 03, 2003

ok I’m gonna start off this post by saying that it was written all over the place, in no particular order, as in the first part I think was written last, the first part not being this part, this is like the intro, which was written totally last, as in everything is out of order chronologically, which doesn’t matter, in the fact that it’s useless except as an area to make my excuses for the kind of overall badness of it. I went a little more stream of consciousness than normal today, just because I have a lot of thoughts spawned by the Columbia tragedy, possibly none of them relevant, and a lot of extra crap thrown in to kind of lighten up the mood subconsciously (my subconscious, not yours, as in I wrote it subconsciously, to kind of grease the reader mentally and make excuses for my bluntness) in other words, please forgive the fact that I suck.

There are no correct words when shit like this happens. I’ve noticed a lot of “lifestyle” (jeez is that the proper word, sounds like I’m pitching rubbers) bloggers have avoided the issue all together. Good for them, hey there’s really nothing that needs to be said. It happened, it sucks, well what is there to really fukn say? Nothing. Unless you’re an engineer.

And after that written after this part but still deftly maneuvered intro, you really should read what Dan has been writing about this subject. (this subject as in the space shuttle exploding into pieces for all to see, all over the tv, shown over and over and over again). As a hardcore engineering type dude, he’s (mr. Goose, that is, yup that’s me mr. Clarification, no relation) got some serious shit to say about the state of NASA and what the fuck they’re doing, and I got to say I agree with him wholeheartedly. We just lost the lives of 7 brave people and for what? I will admit I have no idea what they were going out there to do. Why are we not pushing the limits? If just going out into orbit is as risky as all this, why not let these people risk their lives to really do something like go to Mars or some serious shit like that? Anyway, I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, so check the goose out and learn. He’s also got a link to a Dawn Olsen post which you should really read. Chiggedy check it.

Maybe I’m a total & completely heartless asshole of the highest order, but I’m gonna be honest with you and reveal something that has been on my mind regarding this thing. Obviously the standard things like sadness & overall bummingness, but a thought I had was – does anybody else remember the terrible jokes that went around after the Challenger explosion? Was this only on the schoolyard among little sheister 12 year olds? Because I remember so vividly that less than a week after the explosion, which horrified a nation, that there were already at least 7 or 8 different pretty fucked up jokes about the challenger crew and the tragedy. Do these jokes still happen? Where did they come from? Since 9/11 and our new “patriotism is cool” and “you can’t joke about hardcore fucked up shit the way you used to” attitude, is anyone developing fucked up humor about this? Not that I want to hear it I just wonder.

OK so I’m fucked up. Yes I have an IV of Gentleman Jack plugged into my right quadriceps. No, really I don’t, but fuck.

So yeah, these jokes. They were pretty fucked up. I bet I’m the only person in the country that is enough of an asshole that they remembered that. Well maybe it makes me a good person in that I was so horrified to hear those kind of jokes as a kid that it stuck with me. Does dark humor of this nature occur among adults as well? Is it too soon to talk about this? Am I evil?

Hmmmm. Well then, I guess I shouldn’t put this up on my blog. But ya know, fuck it.

As crappy as it is, this is dedicated to the brave souls that lost their lives in the Columbia explosion. Actually scratch that, read what Dan the goose wrote and mentally dedicate it to those people, with his permission of course, because I don’t want ghosts coming after me and getting pissed like “thanks a lot asshole, now this, this worst thing ever written is dedicated to me and hanging over my shoulders like an albatross at the weekly meetings, which are Mondays, and I’ll tell you, if you’re gonna die, die on a Tuesday, so you won’t have to have your first meeting for six days, cuz they’re boring as hell and there are pop quizzes, even for the new people.” Ok, that will be edited out later. (Shirley, make sure that part gets edited out? Thanks.) Hopefully NASA has learned something and this shit will not happen again. And hopefully NASA will expand what they're doing and as a country we'll stretch ourselves and spark the imagination of a generation for the possibilities and limits of space travel.

I was also thinking this weekend at one point as I stared up at the sky, does the fact that there hasn’t been a totally provable legitimate alien siting, unless uncle sam has really been playing coverup all these years, (and doing a bang-up job I might add) – does this mean that nobody can do interstellar travel? Because if they were out there, wouldn’t they have dropped by for a cup of tea? Or are we like this fucked up jungle planet that they’re like “don’t even fuck with those gangstas.” ? what the FUCK am I talking about?

But seriously, if there were races out there flying around space, don’t you think we’d know about it? Yes think about it. Or don’t. and don’t sue me if it happens. Or do. Cuz I have a damn good lawyer. But I don’t.

Dude this is NOT the proper time to talk all kine story about stupid stuff. Too bad. It’s happening. The whirlwind is whirling and winding. Dude they’re pulling your permit, they’re pulling it, they’re… dude they pulled your permit, your ghetto pass is revoked, you’re off the air, you’re..

(transmission lost)

oh wait one more thing: check this out. Is it total bullshit? It references a murder conspiracy theory regarding the three astronauts that died in the 1960’s during Apollo 1, which I guess was an experimental underwater test run, and there was an explosion inside the space capsule. And the accusations are from the guy’s son, & his widow agrees. Can we really trust NASA? Can I trust this link, it’s got a little spaceman picture on it which usually doesn’t resonate hardcore legitimacy. But I get suspicious any time such a SHITLOAD of money goes somewhere and there’s shady shit going on and apparently not that much progress. And NASA is backed by large amounts of intense cash and who pushes those buttons, mmmm-hmmmm? Am I getting on a “list” now? Um, forget I said anything. Keep up the good work guys.