Thursday, March 06, 2003

early bird gets the worm, late bird gets the girlie with the two dollar perm. yesh.

well you may have noticed that comments are NOT back up, and now it is because of my fuck ups & technical difficulties. I can't figure out if I redid the template wrong or if the template just ain't loading. I also obviously can't figure out how to write something more intersting than technical dogshit that only me and ray allen's butler give a mongoose's buttcrack about.

Took my first sick day off of work in a fukn long ass time yesterday because I felt like a ground up rat's asshole burger with no fries on the side. I actually came in in the afternoon just to see whut was up, hung out and did some werk, and was outtie like kirk gouttie.

One of the stupidest things about being me is thinking way too much about dumb ass crap and racking myself with imagined guilt over shit I should just drop like a crackhead bitch. I will ponder and pontificate on a grecian urn until that mofo disintegrates into dust and then make myself feel bad that it ain't there no more. That is one the most un-long beach things about me of which i am not proud but is integral to the alfred/keith/joe mentality that provides both the schwann and the gone.

ho brah phone call from mana. i rang the bell beyatch! now ain't that a horse's patooty? well ain't it? Damn you know whut's cool about no comments? I got a fan letter yesterday. little old me, joey from berkeley, was blessed with kind words and a poetritic soliloquy from some dude outta the midwest sayin' he was feelin' my dogshit acres verbal diarrhea. and that is just like the icing on the cake. that is like the mustard on the dog. that is like the spark on the owl. that is like if charlie brown suddenly busted out of snoopy's doghouse with a full head of hair and the smell of the little red headed girl's action all over his cartoon ass. and the little red headed girl all swooning and pantin and thinkin "DAMN why didn't i let charlie brown hit that 75 years ago, i think i just woke up and had a klondike bar. shit!"

and yes, it's like that. soooo, whatevers mobetters. I am such a poontificating pooner. as I drifted off to la la land last night i wondered wondered wondered wondered who? who wrote the book of love. no I wondered what i could write on my blog this fine morning, and basically none of what i wondered is making it up here this fine day. the stuff that is making it up is the lunatic ravings of an inebriated ghetto bastard finally released from his political ties and moral conformity to santioned ping pong tables that no one can take away.

well I guess that seems as good a place as any to shut the fuck up. adios!