3:06 PM
by Alfred
The ocean didn’t call today.
But chef Boyardee did, and he said I should whip something out of my ass right quick before going to lunch.
So here it is. In all its glory.
How am I doing so far? Does it have that “magic?” are you feeling the flo? I need to know.
Not to get all Mark Anthony on you.
I figger if I put in a lot of spaces this will look longer and appear to be constituted of some kind of effort.
If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s there does it make a sound? In that same vein if someone’s talking smack about the jurk storr but they don’t hear about it does that make it ok?
Not to get all theological on you.
Please go read
bing. Like right now.
Um, let’s see, what else? Remember that nice n smooth song, sometimes I rhyme slow sometimes I rhyme quick? Catchy tune. What was that? what about it? oh nothing, just ran through my head.
I do hope that’s ok with you.
Well traffic seems to be dying down pixel by pixel. Still a shitload more than I had before but not the onrush it was last week. Which will mean less ass-tards commenting but also not as much fun and drama dealing with said ass-tards.
Can I go ahead and copyright ass-tard? Can I get a witness? An amen, a hallelujah?
Something, shit. throw a dog a bone for chrissake.
Tengo hambre. Tiempo para comer. Ay voy. Adios.