Thursday, November 13, 2003

So nice to ride into work on a fukn motorcycle through the goddamm fukn rain (ok,a light rain, but still a rain, and with fukn shorts on, which, granted is my own damn fault, but nonetheless) and get into your fukn work place and the first goddamm thing you hear after saying aloha to the crew is your fukn skunk supervisor bitching you out for something that you fucked up on. Well, yes, I guess I did fuck that up, but what about the 800 things I did right this week? Oh that’s fukn irrelevant, we’re concentrating here, Alfred, on the one thing you did wrong, asshole, don’t you understand that? now get in your fukn corner and trim that fukn assembly line of skunks ass-hair to within a 2/3 inch diameter and I don’t wanna hear any fukn complaints or we’ll put you on porcupine duty, and you’ll look like fukn Eduardo, yeah, you know, the kid who can barely pick up his skateboard due to all the cuts and scratches and missing eye, and, but shit, he’s got plenty of toothpick substitutes to pick out of his fukn leg if you catch my goddamm fukn drift.