11:37 AM
by Alfred

There’s always time for toast. If you know only one thing, know this, it’s this, this thing, that I seem to have forgot for this precise instant, but know that it was important, vitally so, and without it, you just may never find true spirituality and happiness.
Ah but that shit’s overrated anyway, at least the celluloid incarnation. I had me some good coffee this am, but I’m thinking I’m due for a refill. You know, I was just thinking, like just this second, that a coffee delivery service would rake in some coin. I mean, if people are paying 5 bones for a fucking cup of joe at starbucks wouldn’t they pay another buck or two to have somebody deliver it steaming hot to your door and/or especially place of work? Gold, people, gold, and I give it away for free here at the farm.
Speaking of the farm, cal beat stanfurd’s bitch ass last weekend to hold on to the axe for yet one more year. Thought I missed that, right hoes? I miss nothing when it comes to the golden bears. Further sports desk stuff, peep chaminade versus UH in the maui invitational 2nd round, long beach has indicated that it is verifiably local style. You have been notified and sanctioned by my governing body. Sincerely. Ok sports desk out.
And now back to our regular programming. Bob is on the phone with a special report from alfred’s desk. “Yes, Frank, we’ve got reports of stacks of files and unmade phone calls awaiting the famous bat butler, and word is leaking down from the pentagon that due to this upcoming trip to the mainland, he better get off his ass and get on that shit.”
Well, it’s on the internet so it must be true. And thus I bid you adieu. For now.