Tuesday, December 23, 2003

I have this new theory on james bond movies being the best barometer in pop culture for a steady and not so correct yet stereotypical viewpoint of the changing cultural cues and fashions and societal thingamajigs of the last 40 years, components inherent in any cognizant society and or set of cultures. Something like that. in any event, they're dated as hell and you can see some really cool old skool shit.

Sean Connery blows away Roger Moore though. At least from whut I've seen so far in my journey. Connery would slap a hoe on the way to grab his pack of smokes. Moore would ask her if she'd like one and then go put on his special velvet jacket. Um, ok, maybe not like that.

Please don't take anything I say seriously today. Or yesterday, or for that matter, you know what, just fuck everything you read in this here space. It's all just verbal balderdash anyway, and whut with it being the season, and everything, well, you know how it can go. Yes surely you do.

So, hmm, I wasn't supposed to talk about the james bond thing, it was supposed to be inherent in the background of the conversation. Well, leave it to me to muck things up.

Um, that's it for now I guess. Happy 2 days before Christmas. Oh and happy birthday Jesus, even though you probably weren't born on December 25. oh and um happy Hanukkah. And if you're one of those people that don't celebrate holidays, um, happy whatever day. just have a happy day, ok? Fuck, can't you just be happy? Corporate America and mom dad slash apple pie are counting on you to provide some economic jukebox action and some morale support what with all this homeless war veteran dead squirrel shit going on.

C'mon what's wrong with you, is it so much to ask that you put a goddamm smile on your face and show some teeth that aren't bared in a snarl for once in your stinking life? Get in the spirit for chrissake. Santa doesn't pile his fat ass into that sleigh and drop off crap all over the fricken planet just so you can sit there and mull over the latest episode in the nancy drew novel that is your life. Reality is for the birds. poor some bourbon in that coffee and think about little white bunny rabbits for a while. you'll thank me next year when you're picking the rough parts of aunt ethel's fruitcake out of your molars and still feel nonetheless refreshed and ready to tackle that pudgy mailman that is the new year, who despite his credit card offers and bills and useless store catalogs, still keeps the information, or at least some semblance of it, moving across the actual and non digitized terra firma. metaphorically and literally. aloha.