Wednesday, January 07, 2004

After I ate a sandwich I bought with a shiney new Kentucky quarter some of those chiclet gums out of a machine and it gave me a nice little handful and I put half in my mouth and started chewing and it felt like a lot of gum and I thought “if I put the rest of this handful in my mouth, then my jaw will get sore from chewing it, cuz it’ll be such a big wad,” and I thought about it for a minute, considered the option of putting the remaining gum in my pocket, where lintballs and dirty money would be nestling up next to it and then without even a word to allah I put the rest of the gum in my mouth and started chewing and sure enough, within like 3 astromedallions, my jaw started hurting a little and now it’s really hurting.

Which just goes to show that I am a jackass.

But, in a more metaphorical sense, it also describes how since the dawn of man people have done things that they knew were bad ideas from the get go just because, well, they wanted to.

The depth of this concept is currently paddling around the shallow end with floaties on each arm. I’m watching it, not literally of course, this is all occurring on another plane of reference, just in case it starts drowning, I’m gonna dive from the lifeguard stand (figurative) that is my medulla oblongata (actual) into the sea of tranquility (the outback of my cerebrum) and there possibly I’ll find what I’m looking for, and at the least, hopefully have a good story to tell my grandkids.