Wednesday, January 28, 2004

so um wait up I’m gonna go to the bathroom. Don’t worry nothing extreme or dangerous just some relieving of said bladder. Well, I guess not said, cuz it, strictly my bladder that is, wasn’t referenced per se, but, well, you get the jist, or ya dig, the tweak, of the argument I’m saying, even though I’m not in all seriousness trying to force any kind of understanding on you that you’re not ready for. Honestly. I’m just trying to type crap and find time for bathroom time therein.

Ok now that that has been accomplished, you really must wait for me while I accomplish this one vitally important task. I would try to squeeze in two, but you see, this other guy was just being a total jerk off, and therefore, he gets the, ya know, can’t get you that right now sir technique, when in all actuality I really can’t, at least not the whole kit & kaboodle, but I could get him something to get the ball rolling on his end, but well, subscribe to asshole magazine and don’t be surprised if you get some sour jello pudding pops come Wednseday afternoon.

Oh update! There’s like this one other beyatch that I should get some shit over to as well, so um maybe wait like 5 astro medallions and then check back, cheerio?

Well I completed one of my assigned tasks and in celebration I’m typing this unbelievable relevant sentence. Hold on and let me fax this thing and then, well, shit, the cracker jack kid might be calling cuz shit’ll be crackin’ that hard, believe me in all sincerity when I say that.

Ok, yes indeed, oh yes, that other thing. One couple of moments if you would please. Oh whut’s that? just a smidgen of my time? Ok, you know I’ve never been able to say no to you, not my dear readership of rapscallions and jurk storr aficionados. You, all 3 of you, including my imaginary friend Julius and franklin the pet store owner from Wisconsin, are the real backbone of the innernet, and for that, you are appreciated as far as the furthest reaches of wherever you can see if you look out your window. Ok, now that I’ve buttered you up mildly, gimme a damn second to take care of some biznass.

Hmmm. It required further review from the board. Which means you know whut my fantastic foursome appreciaters, yeah, you guessed it, quality time with herbie the robot. Peace & aloha.