Monday, February 09, 2004

Monday, Monday. That fukn day. But ferreal doe, actually and theoretically, this is a pretty damn good edition for a Monday, I mean, shit, can’t complain, and when I can say that, well, shit is on point, or at least a relatively close version of it, being in the frame of mind that copaceticness has been achieved at least on some dimension of thought.

There’s really not THAT much to say, but fuck it, I’ll come up with some shit for y’all. Fuckn don’t even ever forget that when I say something, it’s super meaningful. Well, either that, or it don’t mean jack shit. but I try not to vagarate from those entities. Unless it’s somewhere in the middle. I know I’m going out on a limb by saying something like that, but fuck it, you’re dealing with that kind of committed individual, the kind of cat that will lay it all on the line for you like a fuckn whatever the fuck they call it.

Dang a nice cold beer would go down like tastey cakes right now. But what is it, like 8 am? Not necessarily the best time to be getting faded, but fuck, it’s blankey blank in stankety crank, ya right? Ya right. Nah, just playin with your emotions on that front, don’t stress, I’m not up in this bizzle like drankin on Schlitz ice or any shit like way shape form styles, at least not for another half hour or some shit like that.

One of the damn things that gets me going is that one thing that I can never remember. That simple fact in itself should be some form of an indicator that I should just let it go, but that just ain’t in my nature, ya dig? Like, if there’s some nugget of wisdom trying to extricate itself from my noggin, I just can’t rest, pick and shovel in hand, until said chunk is unearthed and revealed for whatever it may be, good, bad, or ugly. Cuz we’ve all got like way more than three personalities if you ever actually take inventory. I suggest it for one of these days, maybe a rainy one, when you’ve got nothing to do except pick lint out your belly button and watch the brain emaciator, ie that which sucks all life from your knowledge and builds up mad plaque in between the neural alleyways.