Friday, February 13, 2004

there’s a lot of stuff I wanna tell you about the jurk storr, but shit is top secret, well, at least the upper echelon type shit, if you know whut I mean, which you prolly don’t. if that last sentence was true, at least the last part of it, please, por favor, do NOT I repeat don’t let it dissuade you from reading further. Understanding what I am saying is probably the least important part of the experience that will be later described in your life as pure ecstasy, said item being the reading of these here words.

But hold that thought for a minute, I have to fax something.

Well today is the anniversary of the birth of Ernst Fuchs, who besides having the coolest last name of all time except possibly Focker, was the “fantastic realist artist” most famous for his painting “Griffin and Dragon.” He was born in 1930 in Vienna, Austria.

And I have no fucking idea who he is.

I learned this tidbit from my HR Giger calendar, by the way, Mr. Giger’s birthday was last week Thursday and I forgot to mention it. I’ll probably burn in hell now.

Maybe I’ll try to find a picture of this griffin dragon dillio.

You know that the above paragraphs were so interesting that there may have been a danger of your whole body exploding in excitement & wonder. Sorry in advance. Or after the fact. Ummm, whichever is more appropriate in the instance of umm, the jurk storr parameters you’re currently operating under.

Hmmm, the innernet must be magic, cuz I found a bunch of shit. Ernst Fuchs was not a man to be fucked with, he was like, pretty down with it. he even kicked it with Salvadore Dali (pictured) which is like, gangsta to the degree of 83 astromedallions. Fuchs is the one with the little hat.

Click here to learn all about him. you know you want to. Come on, it's his birthday for Chrissake.

Well, I’m hitting a brick wall with finding the griffin dragon pic, but here’s a painting he did called “Christ before Pilate”

I picked this one because that very subject (Jesus and Pontius Pilate) was discussed in a very interesting set of thoughts I read the other day which you can see by clicking here.

They were responding to this post, the triumphant return of Sterling Fassbinder.

Whether it was from the recesses of a medulla oblongata or the towering mountains of Mannhattan is yet to be determined, at least in my mind.

Ok that’s it for now.