Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Well then, the clippers lost again tonite. Hugest surprise of hugest surprises. To cap off a day of hilarity and unexpected fortitude, or, um, weak sauce central sin city circus freak-outs.

BUT the University of Hawaii Rainbow Warriors DID win their 2nd round NIT game against Nebraska tonite, here at the Stan Sheriff Center. You heard it here first. Or last. Or 2nd or 3rd. Whatever makes you feel better tough guy.

I kind of like having this be like the “metablogging” (is that the term?) area for the ultrabs family of articulations, it’s like, keep that bathroom shit in the bathroom, na mean? crap belongs in the crapper, and habanero pepper sauce equals sore okole en la manana. If you believe in that kind of thing. (editor's note: hello, this is carlton. i have decided for filing purposes to allow this one edit to explain that by "this" the writer of this story, who i back 100% despite what some filthy liars may have to say regarding his ancestry, means the high quality website, owned by our parent corporation but not necessarily reminiscent of our own views, a dog named clipper. gracias.)

The funny thing, the super-hilarious, is to sneak in quality shit over on this side just to keep the contingent, whut may be left of them, guessing. Watched all the president’s men tonite. You know, that old 76 flick with redford and hoffman as woodward and Bernstein. Trippy shite. I’m catching that, shit, I’m up through August, or, wait, in August, in Thompson’s book fear and loathing campaign trail 72 and he never mentions the Watergate break-in. maybe it’s coming up. I shouldn’t presume to assume. Hst isn’t exactly known for his precision attention to the rules of chronology in the ordering of his thoughts on paper. I might go into this more later or i might forget about it altogether, but the movie brings up something i hadn't thought about, the fact that nixon apparently orchestrated his oppenent to be mcgovern, not wanting to face the more politically leveraged muskie. and from there, shit, nixon basically assured, even without the scandal, that the republicans would lose the election in 1976 to the dems. but the history lesson i've got to teach myself is why the fuck didn't teddy kennedy run in 1976? i mean, jimmy fucking carter? wtf? i gotta do some digging cuz i am apparently ignorant. kennedy could have feasibly held off reagan in 1980, although reagan was, shit, an amazingly charismatic mofo on that dr. doom level when it came to convincing the masses that everything would be alright and that we had to crack skulls asap. and don't gimme chappaquidick. that was all done with and the reason he didn't run in 72, shit was still too fresh. maybe not clean, but fresh. believe that. in fact, i need to be educated on all that shit too.

why am i more fascinated with the year in politics circa 32 years ago than that which is currently going on criss crossing the country? is it even going on anymore? i must admit confusion and further ignorance. but, like PE said, you can't know your future without knowing your past. or something like that. and on reflection that was probably a quote from a historical figure, slid into the cut by terminator x.

Anyhoo, that’s all for me. You don’t even know how hectic it is right now. Good hectic though. Be happy for me. For us. For the entity which is the kool Alfred Berkeley enterprises association of greater bloggerville. I mean, shit, chickens are like screaming at me on line 2 over something about their eggs ain’t hatched yet so to keep my goddamm mouth shut.

And they’re the brains of this operation, so I best be getting to stepping. Aloha.

endnote: this was gonna go in clipper. it really was. but it got too big out of nowhere, and far be it from me to propogate on a cover-up of important type pertinent information. who am I? shit, the new new #2. bitch.