Monday, April 05, 2004

yo ho ho & a bottle of brass monkey. And something’s sure getting funky. Could that be my socks? And not the cat. Who the madre de dios names their cat socks anyway, at least name it shoe. Bleh. So anyway, the jurk storr most definitely did NOT call this weekend, which, actually, was a welcome relief from the norm, cuz that sumbitch can be so grating and nuanced sometimes, it’s like enough to make you get on a boat to Zimbabwe and like beat up your car for 3 hours or some shit like that.

so a lot of meaningful shit happened this morning, I mean, it was like an avril lavigne video, it was simply monumental, it was like, evanescence dropped down from the ceiling and labeled everything “deep” including my jade casket full of bath oils, and there was like harmony and melody, and then, it was like suddenly I was wired up to this vast interconnecting network of ideas and thoughts and ponderings, and shit, I realized, that’s just the good ol’ innernet, whut took away mystery and meaning from generations current & future and whut brought together peeps that might never have stepped on foreign shores if not for the taxation implementation of various nations.

My moods and opinions of myself and others change according to the tides as well as in light of whether I’m seeing a view of endemic or epidemic or epic proportions, be they in the manner of reality, fantasy, alternate universes, all that shit. I mean, fiddling with fiddlesticks, the metaphorical brain-busting versions, can be a nice diversion, but when Tuesday comes around, and you’re stuck in the house avoiding the bi-weekly roundup, thoughts can catch up with you like a lawyer in the Bronx, all weaving and bobbing, and jumping out of trashcans, and then you realize, you know, albeit briefly and maybe in a moment of semi-confusion, that all this meaning, all this relevance, is simply an illusion set up by the lord almighty or whatever you call the entity that governs existence to keep us motivated and the wheels turning and thereby ensuring that the rat never actually gets the cheese but at the same time always carries the hope, the torch, that it could someday happen.

The clippers have lost 11 in a row.