7:01 PM
by Alfred

bah, bah, and take your blacksheep and stick em where the sun don’t shine is what my general opinion is right now, and not in any kind of mood I’m in or like way shape form esquire, but simply put, the, shit, don’t wanna say it, but, well, shit, quality levels of environs of which I know ain’t gonna match up with certain expectations that might have been araised by, fuck, that’s like, why you wanna go and do that shit, pa, totally, completely, irrevocably, it’s no point, it’s strictly retarded, and nothing against corky, but I really wanna know, marc Anthony style, what you’re gonna do about my butter getting hard over in the corner with jiggling jello & all that shit
lake show, looking good, ain’t lost a game at home, I don’t know about tomorrow’s matchup with the t-wolves, though, or is it the next day, shit, nba right now, it’s like they’re trying to make a brochure into war & peace stretching out this dramarama, and don’t get me wrong, I love the nba playoffs, prolly my fave sports time of year, don’t let me tell you different once the nfl playoffs startup, which I prolly will, no, unless it’s raiders, then, well, I don’t know if it’s enjoyment you’d call it, it’s like agony, I’m one of those foolios that lives and dies, not literally. Yeah, one of those assholes. Just pretend you don’t know me when it goes down, it’s cool, I’m used to it, I’m honestly not that impressed with myself anyway and sometimes wonder how peeps stand to be around my general obnoxiousness, even though I know it’s not true.
Fuck! everything’s just strait up fukn jurk storr at this moment in time. Oh yah, I did drop some jurk storr shit, now that I remember, over on this
more tarantino than something Quentin blog, that’s like, true’s um cattle call to all bloggerville to drop bombs on nyc, all that shit, and a cornucopia of automotan mountain masses. Speaking of tarantino, I posted my lil ian fleming thing from the other day on
blogcritics and some guy in the comments mentioned how he heard Quentin tarantino is gonna make a new movie version of casino royale, I mean, fuck, if that happens, two things: I’ll be first in line and he better not fuck it up. Or else there will be trouble. For the location of said incident, you have no further to go than downtown, you know where the rumble always is, don’t act.
click here for an article which examines the convoluted and fucked up history of the jean grey slash phoenix slash marvel girl character in the x-men and her constant deaths and reincarnations and the continuity problems it presents which apparently are never satisfactorily dealt with, or at least not in a manner of which anyone with less then einsteinian intellect could ever hope to comprehend. You know it’s calling you, give in, strike out at me, don’t forget your ovaltine, etcetera, gracias.