Monday, May 17, 2004

check under the lid and tell me if el cid calls. It’s vitally important to victor popopalenko that this pertinent information is transacted via the transatlantic continental shelf bridge over by 40 acres alleyway, yeah, not spike lee’s company, the other guy.

Uh, nah. Um, anyway, the, uh, jurk storr is about to call and that means I have to say “ok” cuz the ball will have hit the ceiling at, oh, I don’t know, 8 billion miles an hour. A time for everything and everything in its place.

Geez, that which shall not be spoken and that which must be addressed, it’s like, what the hell is that, unverifiable phone ringing, it’s, fuck, it’s not, it is, it’s not the batphone, it’s the fuckheadvillephone, strait out of 81st street. Just, not with that edition. The one with the 2x4’s and the 8x6’s, you know the ones, the ones that are straight out of some boatman’s dream of dry shores and licensed figurine sales records. Up there with, say, a gigantic frantically unethical trafficway into the human soul.

Or sold. Heh. Anyhoo. Soul, who sold the soul, who stole the soul as, was it public enemy? Said, anywayz it’s neither here nor there, and that’s from somewhere too, but not just one somewhere, say, like, 2 or 3, or 4 if it’s an afternoon of riverdance tunes. I’m full but I’m hungry and it’s very confusing to a marooned space alien. Not that that is me, I’m just saying, if it were me, or you, or anybody, it would prolly be a little confusing. Depends on your perspective, I guess.

PS: this is ultrab's 667th post. does that mean since i passed the number of the beast that i've gone over to the devil's corner or that i've escaped his evil grasp? or, seemingly, most likely neither? pontificate, discuss, and prescribe medication as desired.