Thursday, February 03, 2005

clips start their 9-game road trip off right, with a dubya at Memphis over the dreaded “fuck elvis” grizzlies, who had defeated the worldwide beloved clips 7 games in a row before tonite. Yes, my dears, it is indeed time to celebrate, except not, cuz we gots 8 more to go, undefeated road trip? I ain’t gonna touch that one, 10 foot pole or not, but, fuck, I’ll throw it out there, no whammy, no whammy.

Ps: in keeping with a sidebet that was supposedly made, keep an eye out at m68 for a special clipper slash drunken dolphin memorial banner. personally, i have no control over whether or not this actually happens, but the rules of gentleman combat insist on a valid comeuppance. I warn you, certain remarks were made about our clippers by this charlatan elvis-lover. knowing is half the battle. joe out.